Route 26 Construction Began Monday, January 13, 2014
Nearly Three Year Project for Improvement of State Route 26, Atlantic Avenue, Clarksville to Assawoman Canal is Underway
Dover -- The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) has received the "Notice to Proceed" for the Route 26, Atlantic Avenue, Clarksville to Assawoman Canal Improvements Project. Contractors George & Lynch of Dover, Delaware, who submitted the successful bid of $24,996,596.16 for the 901 calendar day project, began Monday, January 13.
Construction of the four-mile long project will widen the existing two-lane roadway to include two eleven-foot travel lanes with five-foot shoulder/bike lanes and a twelve-foot wide continuous shared center left turn lane. The segment of Route 26 from Clarksville to west of Railway Road will be an "open section of roadway", meaning no curbing or gutters. The section from west of Railway Road to the Assawoman Canal will be a "closed section of roadway," having both curbing and gutters with drainage into an underground pipe system. The majority of the closed section will also contain utilities. Five-foot wide sidewalks will be provided from Windmill Road to the Assawoman Canal.
Below are the anticipated activities and associated lane closures for the Route 26, Atlantic Avenue from Clarksville to Assawoman Canal Improvement Project from January 13, 2014 through Friday, January 24, 2014.
Monday January 13 through Friday January 17, 2014 - Clearing and Grubbing (removal of trees, shrubs, stumps, and rubbish) will occur along the south side of Route 26 starting at Powell Farm Road to Route 17 (Roxana Road) - No lane closures are anticipated.
Tuesday, January 21 through Friday, January 24, 2014 - Clearing and Grubbing will continue along the south side of Route 26 starting at Powell Farm Road to Route 17 (Roxana Road) - Anticipate eastbound lane to be closed from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., traffic alternating utilizing a flagging operation.
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact the field office utilizing the contact information provided below.
Public Questions/Concerns:
Ken Cimino, On-Site Public Outreach Coordinator
Field Office - (302) 616-2621